In the province of Mutsu 534 in the retinue of Gamō Ujisato 535 there served a warrior by the name of Oka Sanai. 536 His stipend was large. He was widely respected, and his bravery was renowned everywhere east of the barrier. 537 But this samurai behaved indecorously in one detail. 538 His ambition for wealth and rank far exceeded that of the normal military man. Frugality was his guiding principle, and since he made it the watchword of his household he grew rich with the passing years. Whenever he earned a brief respite from his military duties, he found pleasure not in the tea ceremony or burning incense, but rather in his council chamber, where he would spread out many pieces of gold. The satisfaction that he gained from its display exceeded the joy that most people got from moon-viewing parties and picnics under the cherry-blossoms. People frowned on Sanai's behaviour and thought him miserly and boorish. They looked on him with scorn and shunned his company.