In order for schools to be responsive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students and families, LGBTQ issues need to be addressed at both the staff and student levels. Students need exposure to LGBTQ issues, information about school policies, and explicit expectations for treatment of all students in school. While school staff’s actions will greatly influence the overall school climate, students will also benefit from school-wide programs to increase their awareness of and sensitivity to diversity issues, including both overt bullying and more subtle forms of prejudice and discrimination toward LGBTQ students. Appropriate professional development activities for school staff and diversity training for students can positively impact the school climate for LGBTQ students and families, as well as create an overall tone where all students feel safe and supported. These school-wide activities work best when couched within the framework of school policy and administrative practices that clearly address respect for and protection of LGBTQ students and families.