This Mongolian lady said that her parents had not believed in God but that they began to believe in later life, after the age of S S, for reasons which she did not specify. I do not know whether or not it had any link with the fact that the informant's father had himself been sensitive to premonitions, as shown by another incident recounted by this lady:

"In 1967 or 1968 - I can't remember the exact date - there was a severe earthquake in Ulaan Baator. My father told me he couldn't sleep and he got up at Sam. He read the newspaper in the kitchen and smoked his pipe. Then he wanted to check me, and look in on me, but he not only went to my room but also took me outside the house. My father left me there while he then went back and fetched my two sisters and my mother. This happened in the winter when it was very cold. The earthquake happened five or ten minutes later, although in fact our house remained intact."