Depression doesn’t defi ne who you are. You are a person coping with an illness. Justin

Here are employees’ views about some possible adjust-

ments-on both sides-to make it easier to accommodate

diversity in the workplace. On the organisation’s side, there

are some general suggestions that can temporarily ease the

load for a valuable employee who has been incapacitated

with a depressive or hypomanic episode. These include:

• restructuring the job-for instance, temporarily

cutting back on minor job duties and assigning ‘fi ll-in’

duties to another employee, with that latter employee

being cut some slack elsewhere

• fl exible scheduling-changing the start or end of the

workday to accommodate side-effects of medication,

scheduling in fl exi-time for medical/psychological

support appointments, allowing specifi c breaks during

the workday, offering part-time work

• fl exible leave-supporting the use of sick leave for

mental health reasons or extending leave without pay

over a hospitalisation or for time off

• supportive modifi cations to the work environment-

as discussed with the affected individual; these might

range from allocating a quieter room for them through

to supplying a non-fl uorescent desk lamp

• providing a mentor-a colleague or manager who is on

the individual’s wavelength who can assist the worker,

maybe structuring the day’s work with them at the

outset and then checking in on how things are going

during the day

• changes in training-allowing extra time and aids to

learn job tasks.1