The main concepts and rationale that motivated the development of the UGROW software are presented in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, we present an overview of the UGROW model system and its key attributes. Section 2.1 defines the scope and limitations of the system’s application, detailing the types of practical problems that can and cannot be solved using UGROW. Section 2.2 explains the theoretical basis of the model, including details of its components. Section 2.3 describes the groundwater simulation model GROW, while Sections 2.4 and 2.5 contain details of the unsaturated flow model UNSAT and the surface runoff model RUNOFF, respectively. Section 2.6 lists the data required to describe a real-world problem and run UGROW; and Section 2.7 focuses on the Graphical User Interface (GUI). It explains the computational geometry algorithms used for handling geographical data and presents a simple hypothetical case study providing a step-by-step procedure for model development. Finally, Section 2.8 briefly outlines model calibration, uncertainty and sensitivity; these elements are important for the practical application of any groundwater simulation model and are not specific to UGROW.