Eating fresh fruit is important for health.__________________________________________________________

(b) regular rainfall/ good crop yields


(c) honest judges/ respect for the law


(d) adequate sleep/ academic success


(e) industrial growth/ pollution


What we look for in choosing a mate seems to vary from place to place. A recent study (Jones and

DeBruine, 2010) explores the idea that female preferences in a mate might vary according to the society in which she lives. In their research nearly 5,000 women in 30 countries were shown the same pictures of male faces and asked to state which they found more attractive. In countries where disease is common women chose men with more masculine features, while in countries such as America with more advanced health care and lower levels of disease, more effeminate-looking men were preferred. The researchers conclude that in healthier societies women are more interested in men who may form long-term relationships and help with child-rearing, while in places where child mortality rates are high they choose strongly-featured men who seem more likely to produce healthy children.