The perfect prototypes of all animate and inanimate objects and all heavenly and earthly beings are called Fravashis. Even Ahura Mazda, we are informed, has his Fravashi (Ys. 23.2; Yt. 13.80). The Fravashi that accompanies man throughout his life upon earth regulates his life and guides his soul to realize his individual Fravashi-ideal. On the bodily death of a righteous person his soul attains to its Fravashi, that is, it realizes the ideal of perfection. If the duty of the Fravashi of a man, who is by nature imperfect, is to act as his guardian spirit and guide him to perfection, what function does the Fravashi of Ahura Mazda perform in his case? Is there any incompleteness or imperfection left in Ahura Mazda that he has to shake off and strive, like all created beings, to reach his own Fravashi? We shall endeavour to answer these questions in the following lines.