This chapter deals with the main European Union (EU) security and policing strategies and the ways they have been translated into action in national and local-level security and policing strategies in three EU member states: Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Finland. Through the EU and national strategies, internal policy is giving way to an expansive logic of security. This is seen in the reconciliation of national security and counterterrorism, with community policing, local crime prevention, and community safety policies. The new politics of community policing, The Community Policing on Terrorism with an ILP approach, brings the state to neighborhoods. In terms of the organized nature of power (Hörnqvist 2007), the strategies are seen as organized forms of exercising power: programmatic attempts to shape policing, especially local policing, in member states. Therefore, it is suggested that the political viability of these strategies should be evaluated at national and local levels, as a part of translation and implementation processes.