When reporting noises that are expressed through onomatopoeic words, note that only –䞮ἶ (and not –⧒ἶ) is used: 㼁 㑮䌟㧊 ˈↂ⋒㡺Hˉ 䞮ἶG⳿㼃㦚Gㆧ㞮┺. [PLAIN] The first cock cried, ‘Cock-a-doodle-do!’

Indirect quotations are also used when reporting what someone said. But instead of keeping the quotation in its original form (and with quotation marks), you alter the phrase and incorporate it directly into the structure of the sentence (without quotation marks). To take an example from English, a direct quotation such as:

Tom said, ‘I am going home.’