Every woman is a leader. She is a leader of her own unique life, whether in a corporate environment or in other surroundings. Leader, in this book, simply means that as a person you recognize you can think, and move, and feel, and that others have the same ability, and what is key is that you interact with all this consciously while making choices in daily life. This liberates you from the patterns of the environment you operate in and frees you to go your own way under any circumstances. That is an amazing thing. In every instance of life you have the opportunity consciously to engage with yourself and the other. You have a baby, you hold it in a certain way, and it means something; you have a colleague, you see she is in despair, and carry her in your heart for a moment, and she knows you will do that for her; you are in a traf®c jam and you accept it because you cannot change anything about it; your husband is no longer the man in your life and you leave him and move on. These things happen every day. All women are leaders, but in the Netherlands only a tiny minority ®ll a leadership position at the top of a large organization.