Urdan and Weggen (2000) observe that with technological change increasing

the complexity and velocity of the work environment and growing demand for

higher levels of knowledge, skills and employee retention, training and re-

learning are essential in all of today’s businesses and industries. In the challen-

ging economic environment following the global financial crisis, it is even

more important to ensure that employees are well skilled and knowledgeable,

but time spent away from the workplace on training reduces employee produc-

tivity and company revenue. However, as increasing numbers of employees use

computers in their workplaces, online learning enables them to access training

at the time and place of their own choosing, and the Internet enables reusable

and adaptable e-learning resources to be delivered to multiple locations easily

and conveniently. This is why Lake (n.d.) observes that e-learning is expected

to become the third most used application on the Internet after email and

search. He reports that in 2004, corporate spending on e-learning was around

US$5 billion globally and was expected to grow to around US$ 50 billion by

2010. Clark and Mayer (2008) report that between 2001-2006, computer-

based instruction in the United States increased from 11% to 29% of all work-

force training. Karen (2010) observes that in 2009, US companies delivered

more workplace training with fewer training personnel and at lower cost by

means of live online instruction and self-directed e-learning. A 2009 study in

the United Kingdom showed that 64% of organizations were increasing their

learning technology budgets to strengthen and improve training and develop a

better qualified workforce (Little, 2009).