This chapter traces further steps in the journey exploring TSV characteristics. The focus narrows from the material considered in Chapter 4 where the regional contexts in which TSVs exist and the local landscapes in which TSVs are embedded were considered. Additionally in the previous chapter the role of anchor attractions in contributing to the appeal of these TSVs was noted and the entrepreneurial efforts to create the villages were considered. The information presented in this chapter focuses directly on the resultant environmental and social forms of the villages. The discussion corresponds to the second section of Figure 3.1 in Chapter 3 under the heading Environmental Features and Atmospherics. Like the forces identifi ed in Chapter 4, the physical and social features considered here act as signifi cant infl uences on the quality and richness of the visitors’ TSV experience. These attributes are highlighted in the TSV Visitor Experience Model presented in Figure 5.1. The environmental features reviewed in this chapter have an important role in encouraging mindfulness which is our consistent approach to understanding the TSV experience.