The Kingdom of Urartu appears to have been governed by a feudal monarchy. The king, ruling from Tushpa, styled himself ‘Erili Erilaue’, 1 King of Kings. The full royal titles were: Mighty King; Great King; King of All; King of Kings; King of [the land of] Biainili; Ruler of the City of Tushpa. The members of the aristocracy, who governed the provinces, derived their powers and privileges from him. In most cases, it seems reasonable to suppose, they had inherited their estates from their forefathers, the original Hurrian chieftains of the territories between Lakes Van and Urmia, and northwards, beyond Lake Van, where they had enjoyed the benefits of uninterrupted development since the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1900 BC). 2 The various dependencies of the kingdom paid tribute in gold, silver and agricultural products, particularly in corn wherever it was cultivated.