As we have seen, scriptural exegesis is central to Vedäntic theological method. The theologian understands hirns elf as deriving his conclusions (siddhanta) from sruti which, according to the Vedäntic ideology is the sole means of knowing (pramaJ:la) about whatever lies beyond the bounds of sense. Interpretations of the mahauälcya, 'Satyam jiianam anantam Brahma' (Taitt.Up.2.1.1) illustrate the centrality of the question of the import of syntopical, co-referential constructions isamanadhiearanat in Vedäntic theological dialectic. SamanadhikaraJ:lya is defined as, 'the application to one entity of a number of words having different grounds for their application.' The appositional words have the same case ending and express one and the same thing.