On the other hand, according to Hawkes, 'for Goidelic itself, chronology might envisage something, not in the Hallstatt only, but even behind the Urnfields, back in the Bronze Age' (Hawkes 1987: 212), a statement that comes close to G. S. Mac Eoin's supposition: 'Is it legitimate ... to think in terms of a diffusion of Celtic to Britain and Ireland at that time before the growth of the chariot-riding aristocracies?' (Mac Eoin 1986: 172). From the linguistic point of view, there are grammatical and literary features which may indicate that proto-Celtic (PC) emerged in a rather early period. The grammatical features, that is, (a) the Gaulish future in ·sie-/·sio-; (b) the Old Irish (Olr.) equivalent of the Sanskrit desiderative formation; and (c) the Celtiberian (CI) inflected relative pronoun •ios, connect Proto-Celtic with eastern Indo-European languages, particularly with Indo-Iranian, Greek, Phrygian (and Slavic):

(I)a. Gaul. (Chamalieres) biss{et 'he will split' : *bheid-, *bhid-; pissfiu m{ 'I shall see' : OIr. ad-d'sees' < *kwis-e-t; !onr;naman toncsi{ontio 'who will swear the oath': Ved. kar-i-$yti-ti 'he will make', vak-$yti-ti 'he will speak, Avestan vax-syiz 'I shall speak', Lith. duo-siu 'I shall give', OCS bys~teje, bysQsteje < *bhu-sjo-nt-''to IlEJ..A.OV', Gk. KEiovn:c;' KOlllll~11(J6IlEVOt Hes. < *kej-hl-sjo-nt-= Ved. say-i-$yti-nt-;

b. SkI. dkir$ati: kar-'to make', krtti-, susrU$ate: sru-'to hear', sruM-; 0Ir. celid 'reveals': fut. 'dla < *cechliz-< *kikliz-< *kik/-h-se-I-so-;

c. CI (Botorrita) : iomui: IiSTas : TiTaS : sisonTi : somui (A7);

ias: osias : ueiTaTosue : Temeiue : ioPiSeTi : saum : TeCameTinas : TaTus (A8); ToCoiTei: iDS: ui (.) anTiomue: auseTi : aiaTimue: TeCameTam : TaTus (AlO)

(Schmidt 1986b: 173ff., 1988a: 245)

The fact that these grammatical features, while lacking in Italic, are shared by Celtic and eastern Indo-European languages, seems to point to early, pre-Italo-Celtic language contacts between Celtic and eastern IndoEuropean. On the other hand, the grammatical characteristics listed in (1) do not necessarily reflect the Proto-Indo-European model and therefore must be taken as common innovations rather than as common IndoEuropean inheritance.