J. Eight concentric circles of equal breadth are marked on a piece of ground. 2. An iron ball is heated repeatedly by a blacksmith. 3. The hands of the defendant are examined. and all existing sores or scars coloured with dots. 4. I lis hands arc "Tapped up in

)e~l.\·es, in order to protect them against the hOI iron. 5. A prayer addressed to Agni, god of tire, shall be recited and ",rilten on a leaf. which i~ fastened on the head of the defendant. 6. Tile iron ball is plac('d in his hands, and he is made to 'Yalk slowly through all the. circles successively, taking one circle witb each step. On reaching the last circle he may throw the ball on the ground. 7. His hands are examined once more. If they are found to contain any fresh sores or wounds, he is guilty; if not, he is innocent. S. If he lets the ball drop from fear, before having reached the last circle, or if the examination of his hands has yieldecl 110 definite result, the whole proceeding has to be repeated.