Whatever their differences, the sinhung chonggyo all share certain common features. Firstly, they are syncretic religions, religions which have brought together Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Catholic, and Protestant beliefs and practices with Korean primal religion (particularly the shamanistic elements), to create a new system of belief. Secondly, these religions are based primarily on shamanistic concepts to which the other elements have been added. Thirdly, the sinhung chonggyo may be divided into various traditions, those which are primarily Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, or shamanistic in their structure or format. Fourthly, in varying degrees, these new religions evince a strong element

of nationalism in their doctrines and methods of propagation. Finally, the sinhung chonggyo look towards a utopian condition in this world, or in some manner offer hope to their members for a better life.