In the EU legislative powers lie with the Council and the EP. The Commission is the “guardian of the Treaty” and as such supervises and, if necessary, enforces EU law. It also initiates and implements EU legislation. The EP, from being solely an advisory body, evolved into a directly elected body and under the ToL is a co-legislator and jointly with the Council adopts the EU budget. The CJEU (a collective name given to the ECJ, the General Court, formerly known as CFI, and specialised courts) ensures the observance of law in the implementation of the Treaties by the EU institutions, bodies and agencies and the Member States. Under Article 267 TFEU the ECJ and the General Court assist national courts in their difficult task of the interpretation of EU law, and thus ensure homogeneity and uniformity in its application in all Member States. The heads of state or government of the Member States, the President of the European Council and the President of the Commission form the European Council, which is crucial to the development of the EU as it provides the EU with political impetus on key issues.