If one were to ask a dozen active cognitive psychologists to free associate to the name Roddy Roediger, a systematic clustering of responses would likely emerge: memory, retrieval processes, implicit memory, false memory, hypermnesia, part-list cueing, transfer appropriate processing. Those who know Roddy personally would produce words like kind, promoting, and hard-working. Other responses might include editor, former American Psychological Society president, highly-cited, or various other terms related to the numerous honors he has received and to his service to the field. And more than a few might say “DRM” or “dream.” It is this last response and, to some extent, the concept of free association itself, that are the focus of this chapter. To preview briefly, DRM is a term coined by Endel Tulving, which stands for Deese–Roediger–McDermott. Why such a term was needed will, I hope, become clear as the chapter progresses, as will the question of why and how Professor Tulving was involved in this venture. More on that below.