In addition to his empirical work, Roddy Roediger has written tutorials, commentaries, encyclopedia articles, summaries of entire areas, textbooks, practical guides to research, career guides, and guides to professional development. Throughout all of his work there is a clear sensitivity to history. He has written and given talks on the works of Ebbinghaus, Bartlett, Ballard, Deese, Nipher, and others, and, through his many editorships, he has supported the efforts of others in this direction. Even though he is no longer the editor, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, a journal Roddy reinvented, is known to welcome submissions exploring the history of experimental psychology. If that were not enough, in recent years Roddy’s research program has added a new facet, exploring age-related differences in memory, particularly as it concerns false memory. Thus, it seemed appropriate to combine those interests and delve into the history of memory and aging at the conference in his honor.