Care and control This expression is used to point the debate about the function of the social services and of social work - to care through control or control through care (see Social control). More narrowly as a term, 'care and control' is used in relation to one of the main conditions to be met if a court order is to be made in respect of a child or young person. The court has to find


not only that he or she is beyond control or guilty of an offence or describable in a number of other specific ways, but also that he or she is in need of care and control which is not likely to be given unless the court makes an order. 'Care and c~)fltrol' is also used in relation to divorce proceedings (Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (SS. 424) deals with 'children of the family'). One parent may be given custody, care, and control, or a split may be made so that custody is given to one spouse and care and control to the other.