Importantly, this is not a becoming otherwise that promises a transformed end point, a new, relatively static state of being. It is a movement from the middle and a becoming that is immanent in practice in the present. This is not a revolutionary synthesis or a newly formed abiding subject but a moment or perhaps even an eon in transition, where the desires, energies and affectivities of becoming in the present are the productive possibilities pursued. Coupling the notion of lines of flight with the Foucauldian idea of intervening in the intolerable present to make ‘that-which-is’ ‘no longer be that-which-is’ invites us to imagine becomings that disrupt the intolerable ‘that-which-is’ of the education assemblage and its subjectivations, offering instead the moments of the haecceity of ‘this thing’ or ‘here is’ that Deleuze and Guattari (2008) speak of and that were discussed in Chapter 3.