This very important object was discovered at Pergamon in Asia Minor in 1899, and is preserved in the Museum in Berlin. It is in a good state of preservation, and its diameter is 0.12 cm. It formed a part of the apparatus which the magicians of Pergamon used for purposes of divination and for obtaining Oracles in the first half of the third century of our Era. The inscriptions on the convex side are arranged in concentric-circles and contain a large number of magical hieroglyphs, but among them are several letters of the Greek alphabet, and a whole circle of Greek vowels, the Egyptian hieroglyph for B, the symbols of the sun and moon, etc.The system employed by the magician is unknown. It has been carefully described by Dr . R. Wünsch in the Jahrbuch of the German Archaeological Institute, Erganzungshaft, No. 6, 1905. A drawing of the complete apparatus, which consisted of ten parts, has been prepared by Prof. Conze of Pergamon, and see Abbildung 13 in Dr . T. Hopfner, Griechisch-Ägyptischer Offenbarungszauber, Leipzig, 1924, page 146.