In this chapter, I will pull together all that has been discussed thus far on the topic of affective inputs in literary reading. In doing so, I am moving towards constructing a model of emotion in literary reading. By means of schematic modelling, I will also attempt to show how the fi ve inputs (LRI, mood, location, themes and style) interact and how they relate to what I have termed affective cognition. Previously, I labelled these fi ve inputs sign-fed and mind-fed. As I explained at the end of Chapter 1, these are merely temporary terms of convenience. In this chapter, I will start to show just how diffi cult it is to keep using these defi nitions once one describes the actual process of engaged literary reading, because their borders become fl uvial, as cognition, emotion and language work on each other and coalesce. Additionally, I will start to explain how the affective cognition in a literary reading experience connects to the macro processes of the oceanic mind.