Parents briefly report on their play sessions and one or two parent play sessions are viewed. Basic CPRT principles are reviewed, and parents are asked to share what part of the training has been the most helpful and what parts they continue to have the most concerns about. The last part of the training time is spent with parents sharing their evaluation of the experience, how they and their children have changed. Parents share their perceptions of changes they have observed in other parents. Therapist shares notes of parents’ original descriptions of their children as points of reference for parents to evaluate progress. The partial transcript at the end of this chapter vividly illustrates typical parent comments regarding their changes in perceptions of their children and themselves. Parents are encouraged to accept and own their part in contributing to changes in their children’s lives. This is usually a very rewarding and empowering experience for the parents. Parents are encouraged to continue the special playtimes. Parents and/or children needing additional help are scheduled for such help.