A second possibility is to employ subordination to the verb used for quoting. In this second case (indirect quoted speech), changes must be made in deictic elements and in verb tense:

(2) ahir era amb en Pere i em va dir yesterday be.ip.1s with art Peter and 1s pr.3s say.if que si volia anar a sopar a casa seva, that if want.ip.1s go.if to dine.if to house his.fs / jo //' vaig dir que no, que no tenia temps. and I 3s.d pr.1s say.ifthat no that no have.ip.1s time

'Yesterday I was with Peter and he asked (told) me if I wanted to go to his house for dinner; and I said (that no) that I didn't have time'

It is also possible to leave the verb of quoting in the present tense even if changes in deixis are otherwise made:


(3) ... / jo li die que no tenia temps and I 3s.d say.1s that no have.ip.1s t ime

'... and I say to him that I did not have time'

The way indirect statements, questions and commands are marked is studied in more detail in Shift of tenses in reported speech is studied in