Analyzing Situation, Readership, Objectives with Each Reader, and Organizational Culture for Straight Talk Writing

Effective workplace writing requires understanding your target audiences. The more specific that understanding is, the more likely you will succeed. The Straight Talk Writing Model stresses the importance of defining the context for your messages, including the needs and wants of your target audiences. Many communicators use a shotgun approach, shooting in the general direction of the target and hoping to hit something. Professional, successful communicators must use a narrow, targeted focus-a rifle approach. Too many writers fail to analyze the context effectively, instead giving lip service to the notion of understanding their readers. When a message is important enough to merit preparation, defining the context must precede the other steps in the communication process. This chapter discusses the steps necessary to do a thorough, in-depth context analysis. Think carefully about the context as described in this chapter and you will greatly enhance your Straight Talk Writing.