In fact, the true function of these words when used with a following VN as here is that of aspect marker: they indicate something about the nature of the action referred to (here myod) as perceived by the speaker. The marker yo is used to show ongoing action where no reference is made to its beginning or end. For this reason we find yo in the present, imperfect and (long) future. The marker wedi, on the other hand, indicates completed action, action that is done and finished with from the point of view of the speaker. This is why we find it in the perfect. From the two examples above and their translations, it is clear that what the speaker sees in (a) is Pam in the process of going-this is what would be said as she leaves. In (b) she has already gone - she could be miles away by now, in fact, so from the speaker's point of view the action of going is finished with.