Bringing the change process to a successful close involves eliminating old networks and relationships and then building new ones. This chapter explains how to keep people on track, maintain faithfulness to purpose, and how to coordinate and integrate unfinished activities. The following topics are discussed:

■ Keeping People on Track and Maintaining Faithfulness to Purpose ■ Coordinating and Integrating Unfinished Activities ■ Creating New Networks and Relationships and Eliminating Old Ones ■ Managing Conflict to Ensure the Completion of Unfinished Activities ■ Making Corrections and Staying the Course ■ Complete the Restructuring of Daily Activities: How to Make It Happen ■ An Example of Where More Coordination Was Needed

This is the point where new structures, work operations, communication links, and relationships are being formed. It is the stage where old interdependencies are being disrupted and new ones are established. However, as these separations and connections are being made, resistance can reassert pressure to maintain old, familiar alliances.