The time now is small, mobile, portable I, light blue. In the shift from ancient territorial power to modern biopower, virtual boundlessness in globalization is widely praised as the overcoming of frontiers. The globe is evoked in terms of both a closely knit village, and a new, dishomogenous metropolis. Yet, the talk on the world political page is all about closing down, curtailing movements, reinforcing borders, building new fences, installing more checkpoints, fortifying security zones, setting up gated communities, and worse, sealing an entire nation into restricted areas. Says a voice from cyberspace: “Call it a fence built to ‘make good neighbors’ but it is still a wall, and remember what the Berlin Wall was called on the other side; it was an Anti-Fascist Protection Barrier.” Stop. Close up and exclude. But moreover, divide, subjectify, and control. While binding, blind, shut off and wall in.