This chapter provides an overview of the turn-taking system. The ability to engage in turn-taking is an essential component of interactional competence. It is an important aspect of conversation techniques, enabling one to start and remain involved in a conversation. It is not by coincidence that turn-taking lies at the center of our model of interactional practices. It is indeed the vehicle for the other practices. Of the many aspects of spoken English, turn-taking is perhaps the least tackled in pedagogical materials and classroom instruction, mostly because it is the least understood. To begin addressing this gap, we introduce a conversation-analytic account of how turn-taking is managed, detailing a wide range of practices for turn construction and turn allocation. Transcripts of naturally occurring talk showcasing real-life turn-taking are used for illustration. Pedagogical relevance of the various turn-taking practices is considered throughout the chapter. We conclude by suggesting ways of teaching turn-taking in conversation.