The trade of the French to their colonies employed 600 sail of merchant ships.

The number of inhabitants upon the Bahamas were said to be this year 2000.

On the 20th of October, at Jamaica, a dreadful hurricane began at six P.M. and lasted until six in the morning: the wind was all that time due south. Mosquito Fort was demolishedeight of his Majesty's ships and vessels, and ninety-six merchant vessels, were stranded, wrecked, and foundered. Out of 105 vessels, only his Majesty's ship Rippon rode out the gale, and she without masts. His Majesty's ships Prince of Orange, Bonetta, and Thunder bomb were wrecked, but the people saved. The Montague aground and bilged. The St. Alban's and Experiment on shore. The Greenwich sunk, and Captain Allen and seventy-one men drowned. The Lark hulk sunk, and 110 persons drowned.