Correspondence should be addressed to Gary S.Dell, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 405 N.Mathews Ave., Urbana IL 61801, USA (Email: gdell@s.psych.uiuc.edu). This research was supported by DC-00191 (NIH), SBR 98-73450 (NSF), and a postdoctoral award from the National Sciences and Research Council of Canada to Jean Gordon. The authors wish to thank Myrna Schwartz and Adelyn Brecher for providing the breakdowns of the response categories for the profiles from Schwartz and Brecher (2000), and Eleanor Saffran, Nadine Martin, Zenzi Griffin, Prahlad Gupta, Karin Humphreys, Marlene Behrmann, Max Coltheart, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments on this work, and Judy Allen for work on the manuscript.