This book examines the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions of Qualitative Research in the study of illness, wellbeing and self-growth in the Indian context. Using wide-ranging narratives, interviews, group discussions, and cultural analyses, it offers a social and psychological understanding of health and therapy.

part I

Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives

chapter 2|22 pages

Self, Emotions and the Pursuit of Wellbeing

Some Cultural Perspectives

chapter 3|14 pages

Types of Knowledge and their Use in Psychology

Towards Rigorous Subjectivity

chapter 4|15 pages

Analysing Qualitative Data

A Grounded Theory Approach

chapter 5|28 pages

Reminiscing Fieldwork and Writing up Culture

An Account of Producing the Doctoral Dissertation

part II|80 pages

Illness, Suffering and Healing

chapter 6

Narrative Approaches to Illness and Suffering

An Ethnographic Study of Spirit Possession in Maharashtra

chapter 7|20 pages

Empathising Terminal Illness

A Phenomenological Study on the Constructs and Stereotypes of Life with Cancer

part III|114 pages

Creativity and Self-Growth

chapter 11|28 pages

Psychosocial Dispositions of Musicians

A Developmental Study of Creativity

chapter 12|14 pages

Self, Wellbeing and the Mahabharata

A Qualitative Reading

chapter 13|19 pages

Guru–Disciple Relationship

An Exploration into the Process of Spiritual Growth

part IV|30 pages

Challenges for Future

chapter 16

Future of Qualitative Research on Wellbeing and Self-Growth

The Critical Role of Fostering Reflexivity