This 12-volume set of previously out-of-print tiles examines many aspects of conflict and security in the Middle East. Works on the first Gulf War (including one on its environmental impact) sit alongside books about the superpowers, nuclear rivalry and attempts at peacemaking.

1. Conflict in the Middle East P. J. Vatikiotis  2. Defending Arabia J.E. Peterson  3. The Gulf War: Its Origins, History and Consequences John Bulloch and Harvey Morris  4. The Gulf War and the Environment Edited by Farouk El-Baz and R.M. Makharita  5. Iran: At War with History John W. Limbert  6. Middle East Peace Plans Edited by Willard A. Beling  7. Nuclear Rivals in the Middle East Shyam Bhatia  8. Oil and Security in the Arabian Gulf Edited by Abdel Majid Farid  9. Peacemaking in the Middle East: Problems and Prospects Edited by Paul Marantz and Janice Gross Stein  10. The Struggle for South Yemen Joseph Kostiner  11. The Struggle for the Middle East: the Soviet Union and the Middle East, 1958-68 Walter Laqueur  12. Superpowers and Client States in the Middle East: the Imbalance of Influence Edited by Moshe Efrat and Jacob Bercovitch