For the past few decades, unscientific dumping of industrial solid wastes has created multiple environmental nuisances. Generation of waste has been considered to be proportionally related to the ever-growing world population and its overall dependency on industrialization. Consideration of adsorption as a remedial process is gradually gaining importance for its wide application and low investment. Initially it was only restricted to commercially available activated carbon as adsorbents but due to its high price and cost ineffectiveness, alternative adsorbents from different sources are being considered. Industrial solid wastes derived from several industries with different origin and different chemical and physical characteristics have proved to be operative, alternative, and low-cost adsorbents. Fly ash, a post-combustion residue, has been reported in the removal of metal ions from contaminated aqueous solution. In the metal industry, such as the steel industry, several unwanted by-products are produced as waste in huge quantity.