During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the fertile islands of Zanzibar and Pemba became of central importance to East Africa’s growing contact with the international economy as the ruling dynasty encouraged trade in cloves, slaves and ivory. This book, first published in 1978, provides an account of the history of Zanzibar from those early days of trade up to independence and the Revolution that removed the Arab ruling class in 1964.

chapter I|13 pages

Early history

chapter II|46 pages

The rise of Zanzibar

chapter III|64 pages

The flourishing years

chapter IV|41 pages

The loss of independence

chapter V|32 pages

British rule in Zanzibar, 1890-1914

chapter VI|42 pages

British rule in Zanzibar, 1914-39

chapter VII|30 pages

The downfall of the Arab State of Zanzibar