Privatisation in and of education is a process that takes many different forms, and is deeply controversial. While the shift in who pays is certainly an important dimension of privatisation, there have also been changes in the management, provision, and delivery of schooling. In most of the economically developed world, discussion about the privatisation of education is now several decades old, and yet new forms of privatisation are still being developed and old forms being applied to new situations.

This book examines the concept and nature of privatisation, and explores the impacts of privatisation in terms of social justice. The authors extend various arguments about the processes, and provide new research and critique. Some believe that privatisation can lead to increasing social justice for the poor, while others argue the exact opposite. This volume contributes to theoretical conceptions of social justice and education as well as providing up-to-date research results.

This book was originally published as a special issue of Oxford Review of Education.