Doing Environmental Ethics explains how we may transform our fossil-fuel-burning economy, which continues to intensify our ecological crisis, into a circular and ecological economy. The text resists political corruption and personal greed by gleaning ethical insights from our philosophical and religious cultures and by embracing the scientific Gaia hypothesis for the Earth. Its reasoning ascribes intrinsic worth to uplifting duties and rights as well as inspiring virtues and relationships, and tests applying these values by predicting the likely consequences of acting on them. It affirms all life has value for itself, and that human life also values reasoning and feelings and being ethical.

The third edition examines US and international environmental policies through 2018. It analyzes the Trump administration’s repudiation of the environmental policies of the Obama administration and its new rules slashing the social costs of climate change. The text reviews a draft UN treaty that would impose human rights and environmental constraints on transnational corporations, but it also highlights outstanding examples of corporate upcycling and low-carbon innovation. Finally, the third edition explains why food security requires protecting the food sovereignty of farming communities and cooperatives, as well as public policies ensuring fair profits for farmers practicing agro-ecology. 

part I|68 pages

Ethical Reasoning

chapter 1|23 pages

Reasoning Skills

Addressing Our Environmental Crisis

chapter 2|20 pages

Ethics and Science

Moral Consideration

chapter 3|23 pages

Ethics and Economics

The Common Good

part II|91 pages

Constructing and Testing Ethical Proposals

chapter 4|22 pages


Future Generations and Nature

chapter 5|23 pages


Humans and Animals?

chapter 6|21 pages

Being Ethical

Character and Community

chapter 7|23 pages


Predicting the Future

part III|149 pages

Learning From Nature

chapter 8|23 pages

Ecological Living

Sustainable Consumption

chapter 9|17 pages

Environmental Policy

Governments, Corporations, NGOs

chapter 10|21 pages

Air and Water

Healthy Environment

chapter 11|21 pages

Conservation and Preservation

Adaptive Management

chapter 12|22 pages


Food and Sovereignty

chapter 13|21 pages

Urban Ecology

Building Green

chapter 14|22 pages

Climate Change

Global Warming