Originally published in 1991, Origins and Species seeks to understand the historical origins of Darwinism. The book analyses the explanatory problem of species variation to which Darwinian theory was a response, while contrasting the Darwinian with other traditions of the time, in the interpretation of organic diversity. The book looks in detail at both Charles Darwin’s theories and Alfred Russell Wallace’s theories of about plant and animal species and raises the question of the context of Darwinism and that of Plato’s and Aristotle’s understanding of species.

chapter |3 pages

lij 8

chapter |21 pages

servesasa fam ous lessontome ." The re are "few heroes who lose so little by b e in gapp ro achedasHumbo ld t." The celebratedsavant 's soireeswe re a h ig hpointofLyell 's tour . On thattourLy e11 v ig orouslyde fe ndedtheteachingsofhiso ld mas te ratOx fo rd , W illia mBuck la n d . 153 Butw ith in threeorfouryears , Lye ll hadadop te dthe le adingdoctrinesofthePrinciples , doctrineswh ic hconflictedsharp ly w ith thoseofbo th hiso ld hero an dhis fo rm erteacher . By 1832 studentsofthe se condvo lu meofthePrinciplescou ld read , on thesubjectof "The Introductionof New Spec ie s " : bsueforIefhthereaderccess iv im eeinxttihnecpshreocueldd in ignfcehr , a from th efactslaidpartoftheconstatinotn an odfraeng im ulaa ls ptaenrds , thatthehewillnaturallyinquirewhe th rercothurpselanoftsnmatauyre be , miteap ns arptroovf id thedefortherereare an yab le g lo beshouelcdo , no tmoyaoefpoauiroftheselosses . Isdepopu la te dbo th inthecoeceratarinsye st xetmentth , abt ec t n an d on thelaohenmde ; habit ­ tsh om aetnthevarietyofspeciesshou ld d im in is huntoilreisffoitrt ew ofecrapossibreleaatrirviveesenwer hen that new gyais ne towb an eddeisxptlraayoerdd ? inarOyrb in e g in gap fr hoem no m ti emneontocantimesec , speciescanbecalledintonaturalists ? ^ 4apaendthyeetotbhsaetrvsao ti oanstoonfish ­ " Humbo ld t," saysLyell , " hascharacterisedthesesubjectsas among themysterieswh ic hnaturalsc ie ncecan ­ notreach , and heobservesthattheinvestigationofthe 153 desrochesdSaenesHluemsbo ld t, Essaigeognos tiq uesurleg is ementLlayteelrl , reLjiefcetiaonndLofetBtdeerusx . hIe , m 1 is pheres ( Paris , 1823 ), and m ented in Leona rd G. uWck il lsaonnd , 's 3v5i . ewsLyaerell 's c "The D ev elo pmaaredfoupltl io ynd and en toftheocCu ­ cAecp te tsodfuUDnuixfo ie rmmi ta r ia nism in on­ S c ie nce ( Paris , e1C96o2n ) g , res99I3n -9 te6rthneatiMoin nd a . lodf 'H Chisatro le irseLdyesell , " 154 Lyell , Principles . Ill , 145 -4 6 .