First published in 1998, the papers in this second volume by Donald Holzman are concerned with the themes of religion and poetry and song in early medieval China. Religion is to the fore in the first two sections, dealing with Daoist immortals and their cult, as reflected in poetic works of the first three centuries ad, with songs used in religious ceremonies, and with the origins and history of the cold food festival. The last group of articles includes a major study of the poems of Ji Kang (223-262) as well as other poetry of the 4th-5th centuries, and an analysis of the changing image of the merchant from the 4th to the 9th centuries.

Part 1. Immortals. 1. Immortality-Seeking in Early Chinese Poetry. The Power of Culture: Studies in Chinese Cultural History, eds. W.J. Peterson, A.H. Plaks, Y.-s. Yü. Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1994. 2. The Wang Ziqiao Stele. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 47, no. 2. Warsaw, 1991. 3. Ts-‘ao Chih and the Immortals. Asia Major, Third Series, 1, no. 1. Princeton, 1988. 4. From Scepticism to Belief in Third-Century China. A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jao Tsung-I on the Occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Anniverary. Hong Kong: The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. Part 2. Festivals. 5. The Cold Food Festival in Early Medieval China. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 46, no. 1. Cambridge, Mass., 1986. 6. Songs for the Gods: The Poetry of Popular Religion in Fifth—Century China. Asia Major, Third Series, 3, no. 1. Princeton, 1990. 7. Une Fête Chez Su Shih à Huang Chou en 1082. Études Song. In Memoriam Étienne Balazs, Sung Studies, éd. Françoise Aubin (Série II, Civilisation 2). Paris: EHESS, 1980. Part 3. Poetry. 8. La Poésie de Ji Kang. Journal Asiatique 248, nos. ½, ¾. Paris, 1980. 9. Folk Ballads and the Aristocracy. Études Chinoises 13, no. ½. Paris: Association Française d’Études Chinoises, 1994. 10. Xie Lingyun et les Paysans de Yongjia. Hommage à Kwong Hing Foon: Études d’Histoire Culturelle de la Chine, éd. J.-P. Diény. Paris: Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1995. 11. The Image of the Merchant in Medieval Chinese Poetry. Ganz Allmählich: Festschrift für Günther Debon, ed. R. Ptak and Siegfried Englert (Heidelberger Bibliotheksschriften 23). Heidelberg, 1986.