If you are buying a company how can you be sure you are buying the business you think you are? Are you sure it is as good as the seller says? How can you be certain unexpected costs and obligations will not suddenly appear once you are the owner and responsible for them? How best can you arm yourself for the negotiations? Designed to help you make your due diligence process as smooth and effective as possible, this collection of checklists by acknowledged expert, Peter Howson, will ensure you manage the risk aspects of any acquisition. The author takes you through the due diligence process itself from legal, financial and commercial to employment and IT, and guides you through the collection. Each checklist includes a short introduction that enables you to make the best use of the material. Due Diligence is, by its nature, a process for which checklists are a wonderful source of ideas and reassurance. Peter Howson's checklists (all of which are repeated in PDF form on the downloadable resources), is a must-have reference for anyone contemplating a merger or acquisition, a management buyout, joint venture or other risky business transactions involving third parties.

chapter 1|4 pages


chapter 6|2 pages

Financial Due Diligence

chapter 7|13 pages

CHECKLIST 5 Financial Due Diligence

chapter 8|1 pages

Legal Due Diligence

chapter 9|9 pages

CHECKLIST 6 Legal Due Diligence

chapter 17|1 pages

Human Resources Due Diligence

chapter 18|7 pages

Checklist 8 Human Resources Due Diligence

chapter 19|2 pages

Management Due Diligence

chapter 20|3 pages

Checklist 9.1 Management Due Diligence

chapter 21|3 pages

Checklist 9.2 Management Competencies

chapter 23|2 pages

Pensions Due Diligence

chapter 24|2 pages

Checklist 10 Pensions Due Diligence

chapter 25|2 pages

Taxation Due Diligence

chapter 26|5 pages

Checklist 11 Taxation Due Diligence

chapter 27|1 pages

Environmental Due Diligence

chapter 28|3 pages

Checklist 12 Environmental Due Diligence

chapter 29|1 pages

IT Due Diligence

chapter 30|4 pages

Checklist 13 IT Due Diligence

chapter 31|1 pages

Technical Due Diligence

chapter 32|3 pages

Checklist 14 Technical Due Diligence

chapter 33|2 pages

Intellectual Property Due Diligence

chapter 35|1 pages

Antitrust Due Diligence