We are now experiencing a period of unprecedented change; what amounts to a global revolution in our economy, society and awareness of the human impact on the environment. Global Change and Challenge examines some of the crucial issues facing society in the 1990s and how geography can contribute to their understanding and management. Using the broad theme of how societies adapt to change, the contributors seek to present a range of views on the `geography of change' in an accessible form for both school and university students. The general aim of the book is as much to encourage students to understand where we are and where we have some from, as to where we may be going.
Robert Bennett and Robert Estall are both Professors of Geography at the London School of Economics. The contributors were all members of the Department of Geography at the LSE at the time of writing.

chapter |3 pages


chapter 1|22 pages

Resources and the Environment

Scarcity and sustainability

chapter 2|30 pages

Environmental Hazards

chapter 3|23 pages

Desertification and its Management

chapter 4|23 pages

Global Economic Change

chapter 6|21 pages

New Roles for Old Regions

chapter 8|16 pages

Development and the Third World

chapter 11|25 pages

Managing Urban Change

The case of the British inner city