Unlocking Business is a new kind of textbook for business students in their first and second year of a degree. Unlocking Human Resource Management provides the following benefits:

- Strict coverage of key knowledge, concepts and ideas, keeping the title lean and focused and allowing students to find what they want without having to plough through thousands of pages.

- Carefully written for the learner - case studies, exercises and seminar ideas are woven into the text to help students learn as quickly as possible and to retain that knowledge in the most time-efficient way.

- Encourages good practice such as complete referencing and suggested wider reading, to help those who wish to obtain the best possible degree classification.

- Useful web resources include further case studies, revision summaries and interactive multiple-choice quizzes at www.routledge.com/cw/inman

- A cost-effective way to prepare students for their studies.

chapter 1|29 pages

Personnel to HRM

chapter 2|33 pages

Recruitment and selection

chapter 3|29 pages

Learning and development

chapter 4|24 pages


chapter 5|35 pages

Employee relations

chapter 6|26 pages

Role of the manager

chapter 7|30 pages

Performance management

chapter 8|45 pages

Employment law

chapter 9|35 pages

Equality and diversity in the workplace

chapter 10|17 pages


chapter 11|25 pages


chapter 12|31 pages


chapter 13|25 pages

Business partnering

chapter 14|32 pages

Strategic HRM