Social welfare has a three-thousand-year history in Western society. Th is book off ers a sociological framework that provides conceptual order to the countless details of that history, while highlighting its essentials. Social welfare in all its forms is based on one central concept-help. But there are many versions of help and multiple debates about those versions. Th e outcomes of some debates have led to withholding help, and these outcomes are an inescapable part of this domain, in the past and in the present. Th e major versions, their development, and the debates are carefully examined in this volume.

part I|38 pages


chapter 1|18 pages

What Is Social Welfare?

chapter 2|18 pages

Society and Social Welfare

part II|48 pages

Charity and Philanthropy

chapter 3|16 pages

Religious and Civic Origins

chapter 4|30 pages

Philanthrophy in a Business Civilization

part III|73 pages

Public Welfare

chapter 5|24 pages

Emergence of the Concept of Public Welfare

chapter 6|47 pages

From the New Poor Law to the Present

part IV|46 pages

Social Insurance

chapter 7|19 pages

European Origins

chapter 8|25 pages

American Social Insurance

part V|77 pages

Social Service

chapter 9|37 pages

From Charity to Social Service

chapter 10|38 pages

Contemporary Social Work

part VI|21 pages

Mutual Aid

chapter 11|19 pages

Three Concepts of Mutual Aid

part VII|17 pages


chapter 12|15 pages

Enduring Issues in Social Welfare