This new Handbook is a comprehensive examination of the rich and complex issues of nuclear proliferation in the early 21st century.

The future of the decades-long effort to prevent the further spread of weapons of mass destruction is at a crossroads today. If international nonproliferation efforts are to be successful, an integrated, multi-tiered response will almost certainly be necessary. A serious, thorough, and clear-eyed examination of the range of threats, challenges, and opportunities facing the international community is a necessary first step. This Handbook, which presents the most up-to-date analysis and policy recommendations on these critical issues by recognized, leading scholars in the field, intends to provide such an examination.

The volume is divided into three major parts:

  • Part I presents detailed threat assessments of proliferation risks across the globe, including specific regions and countries.
  • Part II explains the various tools developed by the international community to address these proliferation threats.
  • Part III addresses the proliferation risks and political challenges arising from nuclear energy production, including potential proliferation by aspiring states and nonstate groups.

This Handbook will be of great interest to students and practitioners of nuclear proliferation, arms control, global governance, diplomacy, and global security and IR general.

chapter |11 pages

Introduction: Nuclear Proliferation

A future unlike the past?

part 1|95 pages

Identifying the Threats

chapter 1|13 pages

The Global Nuclear Environment

President Obama's vision amid emerging nuclear threats

chapter 3|15 pages


chapter 4|14 pages

Nuclear Proliferation, Deterrence and Strategic Stability in East Asia

The United States, China and Japan in a changing strategic landscape

chapter 5|16 pages

North Korea's Nuclear-Weapon Program

Implications for the nonproliferation regime

chapter 6|11 pages

South Asia

Strategic competition and nuclear policies

part 2|251 pages

Nonproliferation, Counterproliferatiom, and Disarmament

part 2|102 pages

The Nonproliferation Regime

chapter 8|18 pages

An NPT Net Assessment

Flawed, problematic, and indispensable

chapter 11|13 pages

Export Controls

chapter 12|14 pages

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

chapter 13|11 pages

A New Path Forward for the CTBT

part 2|72 pages

Deterrence, Counterproliferation, and the Use of Force

part 2|73 pages

Arms Reduction and Disarmament

part 3|105 pages

Nuclear Energy and Security

part 3|53 pages

Nuclear Energy and Proliferation Risks

part 3|49 pages

Nuclear Security and Terrorism