First Published in 2018. This is Volume I of the decline of the Medieval Church. This text looks at the attack on the political supremacy of the Papacy at the end of the thirteenth century up until the Great Western Schism- the period of ecclesiastical history from 1378 to 1417 when over forty years there was a serious disagreement about the true headship of the Church in Western Europe.

part I|2 pages

The Babylonian Captivity

chapter III|31 pages

The Babylonian Captivity

chapter IV|56 pages

The Avignon Financial System: I. Income

chapter VI|40 pages

General Results of the Babylonian Captivity

part II|2 pages

The Great Western Schism

chapter VIII|29 pages

The Great Western Schism

chapter IX|38 pages

Efforts to Heal the Schism

chapter X|58 pages

Significant Results of the Schism