Mastering Advanced Modern Chinese through the Classics is a textbook to teach those who wish to achieve an advanced or native proficiency and cultural competence in modern Chinese, as well as to experience the beauty of Classical Chinese literature.

Collecting representative works containing vibrant views of Chinese culture from different dynasties, this book is focused on how the grammatical patterns, vocabulary, and idioms that are found in Classical Chinese are relevant in the modern adaptation of the language, and how the accumulated traditional values and beliefs found there still shape the thinking and lifestyle of modern society.

Online resources including audio, answer keys, and instructor aids will be part of the teaching package.

chapter Lesson 1|12 pages

Lesson 1 The Classic of Poetry: Guā n Jū

第 一 课    《 诗 经 · 关 雎 》

chapter Lesson 2|12 pages

Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius: Part I

第 二 课 《 论 语 》 节 选  (一 )

chapter Lesson 3|12 pages

Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius: Part II

第 三 课《 论 语 》 节 选  (二 )

chapter Lesson 4|12 pages

Excerpt from Mencius


chapter Lesson 5|11 pages

Excerpts from Lǎ ozǐ ’s Dà o Dé  Jī ng

第 五 课  老 子 《 道 德 经 》 节 选

chapter Lesson 6|11 pages

Excerpt from Zhuā ngzǐ

第 六 课 《 庄 子 》 节 选

chapter Lesson 7|14 pages

The Collection of Yuè fǔ  Poetry: The Ballad of Mù lá n

第 七 课 《 乐 府 诗 集 · 木 兰 诗 》

chapter Lesson 8|12 pages

The Biography of Mr. Wǔ liǔ  by Tá o Yuā nmí ng

第 八 课  陶 渊 明    《 五 柳 先 生 传 》

chapter Lesson 9|13 pages

Three Poems by Wá ng Wé i

第 九 课  王 维 诗 三 首

chapter Lesson 10|13 pages

Drink More by Lǐ  Bá i

第 十 课  李 白 《 将 进 酒 》

chapter Lesson 11|12 pages

Two Poems by Dù  Fǔ

第 十 一 课 杜 甫 诗 两 首

chapter Lesson 12|12 pages

Cí  poetry by Lǐ  Yù  and Lǐ  Qī ngzhà o

第 十 二 课 李 煜 与 李 清 照 词

chapter Lesson 13|11 pages

On the Love of the Lotus by Zhō u Dū nyí

第 十 三 课 周 敦 颐 《 爱 莲 说 》

chapter Lesson 14|12 pages

Remembering the Red Cliffs by Sū  Shì

第 十 四 课  苏 轼 《 念 奴 娇 · 赤 壁 怀 古 》

chapter Lesson 15|12 pages

Defying Age by Guā n Hà nqī ng

第 十 五 课   关 汉 卿 《 一 枝 花 · 不 伏 老 》

chapter Lesson 16|13 pages

Viewing Snow in a Pavilion on the West Lake by Zhā ng Dà i

第 十 六 课 张 岱 《 陶 庵 梦 忆 · 湖 心 亭 看 雪 》

chapter |1 pages

List of Sources and Works Consulted