This Study Guide provides thought-provoking questions and easy-to-implement activities to help you apply the concepts in the bestselling book, Seven Simple Secrets, 2nd Edition. Step by step, it walks you through considering what you’ve read, taking action to implement the secrets and strategies of highly-effective teachers, and sharing your learning with others—all leading to improved teaching and learning!

You can work on the guide independently, in book studies, in professional learning communities (PLCs), and in professional development sessions. This guide will help you to take full advantage of the seven secrets and implement them immediately in your own classroom!


chapter Secret One|13 pages

The Secret of Planning

chapter Secret Two|15 pages

The Secret of Classroom Management

chapter Secret Three|14 pages

The Secret of Instruction

chapter Secret Four|14 pages

The Secret of Attitude

chapter Secret Five|14 pages

The Secret of Professionalism

chapter Secret Six|14 pages

The Secret of Effective Discipline

chapter Secret Seven|16 pages

The Secret of Motivation and Inspiration

chapter |3 pages
