This book provides a snapshot of the implementation in various countries around the world of the international cataloging standard RDA: resource description and access. All stages of implementing a new standard are covered, from initial assessment and impact analysis through translation, staff training, and data migration, to implementation and user orientation. Contributions include the results of detailed research into awareness of the standard in professional groups, differences between catalog metadata produced using RDA and current local standards, and the effect of RDA on the presentation of catalog displays to the end user.

The contributions cover aspects of RDA implementation in Canada, China, German-speaking countries, Iran, Israel, Mexico, the Philippines, Singapore, and Turkey, and French, German and Spanish translation activity. The information contained will be relevant for many years to come, for those who are intending to implement RDA, review the quality of legacy data, measure the impact of the globalization of cataloguing data, or prepare for education and orientation in international bibliographic standards.

This book was published as a special double issue of Cataloging and Classification Quarterly.

chapter 1|222 pages
